JOAN LOUIS Born in Chiclayo Peru. EDUCATION College of Fine Arts, teaching painting and artistic graphic ,2000-04. TEACHING EXPERIENCE Associate Professor, School Jose de San Martin 2004 Drawing and painting teacher, school Adventsta The Orion 2005 Professor of drawing and painting, Bruce Peru ngo. 2006 Professor of drawing and painting, Bruce Peru ngo 2007 EXHIBITIONS "Black and White Peruano Jose de San Martin School. 2005 "Native Ritual" Otra Cosa Gallery, Trujillo, Peru 2006 "Indigenous Prayer" Bruce Peru Huanchaco Peru.2007 Gallery "Ancestral Maze" Municipal Gallery Huanchaco, Peru 2007 "Watch" Municipal Gallery Huanchaco, Peru 2007 "Watch" Gallery of the National Institute of Trujillo INC 2007 "Une rencontre Franco-Peruvienne" Galeria Central Club of Trujillo. 2008 "Borders" Municipal Gallery Huanchaco, Peru 2008 ¨ Sikus & Apus Azur · Gallery, Alliance Française de Trujillo, Peru 2008, ¨ Sikus & Apus · Gallery Alliance Française de Loja, Ecuador 2008 EXHIBITIONS Art Trujillo "ICPNA, Trujillo-Peru 2003 Art Trujillo II "Universidad del Norte, Trujillo Peru 2004 "Exhibition of painters Trujillanos" Trujillo 2007 Municipal Gallery "Second Exhibition of Painters Trujillanos" Continental Bank Gallery 2007 "Third Exhibition of Painters Trujillanos" Trujillo ICPNA gallery 2007